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Fulfill Your Dream to Better this World

A Membership Cooperative for Visionary, Innovative Leaders

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Life is too short to only dream of making a difference

Don’t let overwhelm steal your thunder

  • Clear brand messaging makes scaling so much easier
  • Choose the right revenue lane to avoid unnecessary struggle
  • Differentiate your brand from the pack
  • Stop making your venture harder than it needs to be
  • Prove your venture’s viability on the street
  • Avoid raising capital for the wrong reasons
Join Now

Bring your Venture to Market. Build a Brand. Scale with Greater Ease.

You're the right person. It's the right time.

Solve your start-up challenges today

Access new strategies and solutions

Don’t let self-doubt get in the way

Permanently sideline distractions

Stop working for others

Give up your side hustle

Join Now

The World Needs Problem Solving Innovators Like You


  • You've heard the call
  • Your life experience has prepared you to lead this
  • You know there are forces conspiring to help you
  • Creating change in community just makes sense
  •  The time is right


Sue O’Callahan has been an entrepreneur in the personal care and wellness space for over 25 years. She is a StoryBrand Certified Guide and Brand Master Academy Trained. 

Sue is an advanced healer, intuitive reader and soul mission advisor.

Roll up your sleeves and see what you accomplish in a month. Start building true momentum.

Get a pulse on your passion project
Get a pulse on your passion project
Get a pulse on your passion project

Map out your brand and impact strategy 

  • Clarify your brand mission
  • Create brand identity and differentiation
  • Build a strong foundation by creating a true brand to stamp on the collective's consciousness

Meet, engage and collaborate weekly  

  • Discover the power of group intention and collaboration
  • Learn how quantum protocols can advance your mission
  • Be supported by fellow entrepreneurs

Generate multiple revenue streams

  • Move through roadblocks
  • Make up money and time with referral and affiliate programs
  • Align with brands that compliment your business
Schedule a Free Consultation

The World Needs You Now

Real change happens one person, one venture at a time 

Monthly Membership Subscription


Member Benefits

  • Weekly 90 minute Zoom group strategy meetings
  • Branding, marketing and mission development
  • Brand differentiating
  • Brand archetype and personality development
  • Collective strategy exercises
  • Brand impact development and expansion
  • Problem solving
  • Members receive $100 discount on 60 minute strategy session with Sue (regularly priced $300)
  • Q&A

Annual Membership Subscription


Member Benefits

  • 1 monthly 60 minute one-on-one strategy session ($300 value) 
  • Weekly 90 minute Zoom group strategy meetings
  • Branding, marketing and mission development
  • Brand differentiating
  • Brand archetype and personality development
  • Collective strategy exercises
  • Brand impact development and expansion
  • Problem solving
  • Q&A

Brand and Mission Development Session with Sue


Session Benefits

  • 60 minute Zoom or in person session
  • Brand messaging clarification
  • Brand differentiating
  • Mission and impact exploration, development and expansion
  • Marketing strategy development
  • Q&A